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Ethical UX Design: Dark Patterns

Ethical UX Design: Dark Patterns

Ethics: How to bring them into dark patterns

What you’ll learn

Ethical UX Design: Dark Patterns

  • Ux Design is the name of a company that makes web
  • Ethical Design is a way to make things that are good for
  • Patterns that are dark
  • A user’s experience
  • People who make things think about how to make things.


  • Ux Design

  • UI Design

  • Product Design


Company products and apps use “Dark Patterns,” which are unethical ways to get people to do things they don’t want to do. There are things like overpaying, giving out information without permission, subscribing without knowing, and so on.

To show how you can use them in an ETHICAL way that will not only show your users that you care about them, but also earn their trust. This is a very important thing to think about because many companies use these tactics to trick people into giving them more information or even money. That is not the right thing to do. To be able to create an amazing user experience, you must first know how these Dark patterns work and then know how to change them for the better. This way, you will be able to not only benefit your company but also build the most important thing between you and your customers: trust.

In other words, this course is for you if you are concerned about your users and want to build up a good name for your product.

Who this course is for:

  • UX Designers, Product Designers, and more
  • The people who make the UI.
  • Researchers.
  • Users look for things.

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