Node JS: Advanced Concepts – Learn Node JS
Get advanced with Node.Js! Learn caching with Redis, speed up through clustering, and add image upload with S3 and Node!
What you’ll learn
Node JS: Advanced Concepts – Learn Node JS
- Absolutely master the Event Loop and understand each of its stages
- Utilize Worker Threads and Clustering to dramatically improve the performance of Node servers
- Speed up database queries with caching for MongoDB backed by Redis
- Add automated browser testing to your Node server, complete with continuous integration pipeline setup
- Apply scalable image and file upload to your app, utilizing AWS S3
- Basic knowledge of Node, Express, and MongoDB
- Strong knowledge of Javascript
Go beyond the basics of Node! This course will give you the skills needed to become a top Node engineer.
Query Caching with Redis? You will learn it. The Node Event Loop? Included. Scalable File Upload? Of course!
This is a must-take course if you work with Node.
Node Internals: Here’s one of the most common interview questions you’ll face when looking for a Node job: “Can you explain the Node’s Event Loop?” There are two types of engineers: those who can describe the Event Loop and those who cannot! Besides being critical for interviews, knowledge of the Event Loop will give you a better understanding of how Node works internally. Many engineers know not to ‘block’ the Event Loop, but they don’t necessarily understand why.
Caching with Redis: We’ll also supercharge the performance of database queries by implementing caching backed by Redis. Redis is an in-memory data store purpose-built for solving caching needs.
File Upload: There are many resources online that offer suggestions on how to handle file upload, but few show a solution that can truly scale. Hint: saving files directly on your server isn’t a scalable solution! Learn how to leverage AWS S3 to implement file upload that can scale to millions of users with a few dozen lines of simple code.
Continuous Integration Testing: This is a must-have feature for any serious production app. We’ll first learn how to test huge swaths of our codebase with just a few lines of code by using Puppeteer and Jest. After writing many effective tests, we’ll enable continuous integration on Travis CI, a popular – and free – CI platform.
Here’s what we’ll learn:
- Master the Node Event Loop – understand how Node executes your source code.
- Add a huge boost to performance in your Node app through clustering and worker threads
- Turbocharge MongoDB queries by adding query caching backed by a lightning-fast Redis instance
- Scale your app to infinity with image and file upload backed by Amazon’s S3 file service
- Implement a continuous integration testing pipeline so you always know your project functions properly
- Think you know everything there is about managing cookies and session? Well, you might, but learn even more!
- Ensure your app works the way you expect with automated browser testing using Jest and Puppeteer
- Bonus – learn advanced JS techniques along the way, including where to use ES2015 proxies!
I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning to Node.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who wants a deep mastery of Node
- Engineers looking to understand the internals of Node
- Programmers looking to improve Node’s performance
- Last updated 3/2020
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