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Internationally Accredited Diploma in Yoga Training

Start a New Career in Yoga with this Yoga Course for Beginners/Intermediates

What you’ll learn

Internationally Accredited Diploma in Yoga Training

  • Have an excellent understanding of the principles of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Eight Limb Yoga
  • Improve alignment and posture to reduce the risk of injury
  • Master all 59 Asana which is excellent for beginners and intermediates


  • A Yoga Mat
  • Willingness to apply Yogic knowledge into regular practice


Updated: Nov. 19-Added a Starter Pack- 30+ Minutes

-Added another Accreditation Authority: IAOTH-The International Association of Therapists

-New Professional Certificate Design (different from Udemy)

Now earn your INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED DIPLOMA IN YOGA TRAINING accredited by CPD Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.

CPD certification means that the content and structure of the courses have been independently assessed and approved for multi-disciplinary and industry-wide continuing personal and professional development purposes.

Pass Mark: 50% to secure your certificate!

Course Duration: 1-4 weeks

Course Lectures:

See Below.

Quizzes & Graded Exam:

Graded Exam


Internationally Accredited by CPD (Details in the course)

Course & Exam Location: Online

Course Description :

Most of us spend the majority of our time regretting the past or worrying about the future, but forget to live in the present. Because it is indeed a ‘present’ from God himself, and when one is mindful, they have the true luxury of opening it.Yoga, when practiced regularly, have the potential to help you become more mindful so that your life in the present, most of the time, which leads to increased happiness and optimal health and thereby reducing anxiety and stress.

Besides this, there are concrete studies which prove that Yoga when practiced regularly can:

Help with flexibility, improve your posture, protect your spine and strengthens your lower back. It’s amazing for your bone health to increase blood flow to all body parts boost immunity, optimizes your hormones, makes you happy, tremendously increases your focus and make you more productive.

Yoga tones your nervous system, helps you sleep deeper, helps detoxify toxins through deep breathing, helps with digestive issues and so forth.

It also boosts self-esteem, increases confidence, helps you get in touch with your divine self, helps you with your relationships and makes you a better person.

Yoga is not just about doing handstands or wearing an orange rob and sit in Sukhasana. It’s much more than that and based on your preference, goals, abilities Yoga can be anything you want to be.

Just remember anyone can practice Yoga and you don’t need to turn vegan to practice it:)

This Diploma in Yoga Training will be of great interest to all learners and healthcare professional who would like to learn the fundamentals of Yoga Training. It provides an in-depth look into Patanjali’s Eight Limb Ashtanga’s Yoga and not only provides an in-depth overview of Yogic Philosophy but also have videos of Akash (your instructor) teaching you how to master over 60 asanas and pranayamas with detailed instructions, difficulty level, and benefits that accrue to your body when you practice them regularly.
Module 1:
 Introduction to Yoga will start by discussing briefly the History of Yoga. This module will provide the background of your instructor Akash and his experience and certification in Yoga and other areas of Health, Fitness & Nutrition. Students will understand the certification process and know more about their agency which has accredited this course: CPD. Last but not the least, you will find the complete Yoga Training Manual which covers the whole course including script and photos of all asanas and pranayama.

Module 2: Types of Yoga will discuss various types of Yoga practiced around the world like Hatha, Iyengar, Vinyasa, Bikram, Kundalini Yoga-A great introduction for any student starting with Yoga.

Module 3Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga-Eight Limbs Of Yoga-Yogic Philosophy: In Sanskrit, Asthanga means ‘Eight Limb Path’. These eight steps act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful, happy and purposeful life. The eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga are:

Yamas: Universal morality, restraints, and Attitude

Niyamas: Personal observances or the rules to follow

Asanas: Body postures or stretching

Pranayama: Breathing exercises or control of prana

Pratyahara: Control of all the five senses

Dharana: Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness

Dhyana: Devotion, Meditation on the Divine

Samadhi: Union with the Divine, becoming one with the divine.

Along with visually pleasing lecture slides, you will find a voiceover presentation which explains all the slides in detail plus you will find the accompanying script [Yoga Training Manual] in case you want to read [Helpful for people who are hearing impaired]

Module 4: Third Limb of Yoga: Asana. This module provides 59 videos of Akash doing asana and teaching you how to master them.

Module 6: Graded Exam: 50 Questions on all course material. Pass this by securing 50% and secure your Diploma Certificate in Yoga Training.

(Certificate Free with this course)

Who is the course for?

-Anyone who wants to start a new career teaching Yoga

-Anyone who wants more flexibility, strength, and agility

Who wants to feel more whole

-Anyone who wants to be more happy and content

By the end of this course, what will you Learn?

-Have an understanding of the different types of Yoga

-Learn about Patanjali’s Eight Limb Ashtanga Yoga

-Improve alignment and posture to reduce the risk of injury

-Learn to breathe deeply and reduce stress, anxiety, tension

-Master all 59 Asana which is excellent for beginners and intermediates

-Masters 4 different types of Pranayama techniques

& much more!


We offer a CPD Certificate which is different from the Udemy’s Certificate of Completion. Your details will remain confidential with us.

Who this course is for:

Internationally Accredited Diploma in Yoga Training

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