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Flutter Provider Essential Course (English)

Flutter Provider Essential Course (English)

Use the Flutter Provider to learn and practice state management.

What you’ll learn

Flutter Provider Essential Course (English)

  • The need for a provider: Dependency injection and state management.
  • Provider, ChangeNotifierProvider, FutureProvider, StreamProvider, MultiProvider ProxyProvider are some of the types of providers.
  • Widget: Consumer/Selector, read, watch, and select extension methods for the BuildContext widget
  • ProxyProvider and ChangeNotifierProxyProvider communicate with each other.
  • StateNotifier and StateNotifierProvider – communication between providers without a ProxyProvider, like in a phone call.
  • A list of things that go wrong and how to deal with them: ProviderNotFoundException, setState or markNeedsBuild, and more
  • adding the addPostFrameCallback method to handle errors and actions like showing a dialog and pushing the Navigator is how you can do this.
  • 3 apps (Todo, Weather, and Firebase Authentication) and a total of 8 production process experiences came from a mix of different providers.


  • Experience and knowledge of Flutter are needed to do this job.


During this course, you can learn more about Provider, which is the most common and basic Flutter state management tool.

If you want to learn more about the Flutter Provider and put what you learn into practice, this course is for you.

The lecture was carefully planned to make sure there was a good mix of theory and practice.

And because we believe that repetition is the best way to learn, whenever we learn a new thing, we’ll make a small app to test it out. Then, through apps like TODO, Weather, and the Firebase Authentication app, the concepts will come together completely.

When we make apps like TODO, Weather, and Firebase Authentication, we’ll practice combining different providers over and over again.

TODO App has 3 implementations: 1. ChangeNotifierProviderProxyProvider 2. ChangeNotifierProxyProvider 3. In this case, the ChangeNotifierProvider and ProxyProvider are combined. This is the third service that notifies you when your state changes.

Weather App: 3 implementations: 1. ChangeNotifierProviderProxyProvider 2. ChangeNotifierProxyProvider 3. ChangeNotifierProxyProvider In this case, the ChangeNotifierProvider and ProxyProvider are combined. This is the third service that notifies you when your state changes.

– Firebase Authentication App: There are 2 ways to use this app. 1. A StreamProvider, a ChangeNotifierProvider, and a ChangeNotifierProxyProvider. 2. A StreamProvider and a StateNotifierProvider together.

StateNotifier and StateNotifierProvider will also be talked about. These are two tools that let you use the Provider to manage your state in a more advanced way, and there will be opportunities to practice with applications so you have even more ways to do this.

People say this is the most in-depth course on Flutter Provider.

This is a quick look at what we learned in class.

  • Why is a provider important?
  • How to get data from the widget tree with Provider.
  • How to use ChangeNotifier’s AddListener to keep track of changes in the widget tree.
  • ChangeNotifierProvider is the most used in Provider. This is how to use ChangeNotifierProvider.
  • How to use the read, watch, and select extension methods to get and listen to data quickly and quickly.
  • MultiProvider, which makes it easy and clean to put multiple providers into the widget tree.
  • Future provider and stream provider, a provider that is used when you want to keep track of changes to a widget and rebuild it when they happen over time
  • Consumer widget: This is a kind of widget that makes it easy to find a certain type of provider.
  • Selector widget, a type of Consumer widget that lets you control things more closely.
  • Provider Access and value named constructor: access to routes that don’t have names or names that are generated. Access to routes that are global.
  • ProxyProvider communicates with other providers.
  • There were a lot of problems when using the Provider and how to fix them.
  • The addPostFrameCallback method, which is useful when you use it with Provider, is here.
  • How to use ChangeNotifier’s AddListener to handle things like showDialog or Navigator dot push.
  • TODO App: 3 different apps made with different providers.
  • Weather App: There are three different ways to use this app, thanks to a variety of providers.
  • Firebase Authentication App: There are two ways to use this app, both of which use different providers.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners to Flutter who want to learn more about Provider, the most popular Flutter state management tool, can read this guide.
  • People who work with Flutter and want to learn more about the Flutter Provider
  • Flutter developers who want to know how to use Flutter Provider in different ways.

Flutter Provider Essential Course (English)

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