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ASP.NET Core MVC and Angular 5 Project- Creating a CMS Course

ASP.NET Core MVC and Angular 5 Project- Creating a CMS Course

Create a real-world app using ASP.NET Core MVC and Entity Framework Core to build a RESTful API and Angular 5 for the UI

What you’ll learn

ASP.NET Core MVC and Angular 5 Project- Creating a CMS Course

  • Learn how to create restful APIs with ASP NET Core MVC
  • Learn how to use ASP NET Core MVC with Angular 5 to create real world apps


  • Some familiarity with ASP NET Core MVC is assumed (I have a course on that)
  • Some familiarity with Angular is assumed


no-nonsense and to the point course that shows you how to create a real-world application using ASP.NET Core with Angular 5.

  • Build a RESTful API with ASP.NET Core MVC
  • Build the UI with Angular 5

This course is for everyone that has some familiarity with Angular 5 and ASP.NET Core MVC and wants to learn how to combine the two technologies to make a real-world application.

NOTE: You should have some ASP.NET Core MVC and Angular 5 experience before taking this course if you want to learn ASP.NET Core MVC I have a course on it.

NOTE 2: If the current asking price is too much for you to feel free to message me for a discount!

Who this course is for:

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Content From: https://www.udemy.com/course/asp-net-mvc-core-and-angular-5-project-creating-a-cms/

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